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101 Avenue A - New York, NY

Double Deüce

"In the wilderness of the early 00s, at the dawn of Bush’s America, NYC’s anti-folk scene served as an oasis for disaffected weirdos, singing uncomfortable truths in the most comforting of melodies, and among that community of potty-mouths, no one found hope in the profane quite like brother-sister duo Double Deüce. Over his unwavering acoustic guitar rhythms, Toby Goodshank (The Moldy Peaches) crooned with earnest rock star passion, whether singing about love or blueberry cocks, while Angela Carlucci (Little Cobweb, The Baby Skins, Herman Dune) made each song sound almost hymnlike with her seraphic soprano. Their nonsensical anthems made emotional sense to listeners who longed for tenderness in a chaotic, unstable world.


And so, with the world more chaotic and unstable than ever, it’s not a moment too soon for Double Deüce’s triumphant return, with their first full-length album in 19 years, “Warm Ham in a Foreign Home.” A collection of joyful, endearing songs – like schoolyard chants from a school for interdimensional alien tweens – ”Warm Ham” is a soothing balm for a new age of constant crisis."

-Dan Fishback


photo by Joanna Kelly

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